ACTA is the Anti Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. Disguised as a Trade Agreement, ACTA goes much, much further than that...
ACTA airns to make Internet Service & Access Providers legally responsible for what their users do online, turning them into "Private Copyright Police & Judge”, censoring their networks. The chilling effects on free speech would be terrible.
The entertainment industry knows that stopping file sharing is impossible whithout destroying the net. But they can use the "piracy" as an excuse to maintain control over what is distributed on the Internet, about what can and can not see, read or hear, while surfing the web.
In the name of patents, ACTA would give large corporations the power to stop generic drugs before they reach the people who need them, and to stop the use of certain seeds for crops, giving fuli control over the food production chain to corporations.
Your Civil Rights will be trampled!
ACTA is a weapon of "mass legał uncertainty". By putting legał and monetary pressure on any Internet access provider, or any service provider, the entertainment industries will be able to force them to filter the net, remove content and błock access to users, ignoring your rights, and leaving you helpless.
For the past 3 years, ACTA has been negotiated in secret by 39 countries. But the negotiators are not democratically elected representatives. They don't represent us, but they are deciding laws behind our backs.
The European Parliament will soon vote on ACTA. This vote will be the occasion to say no once and for all to this dangerous treaty.