piścsłert This fc an Instant AUack to fV'troy any Coosto' Place. Itdcos not rleąure anadib& Ui Po^vr is 16 agam$t a łiugc Ptacc, 20 agomst.any other Plac*. bu: 2^ agsir.st Japan or OJiOfrua.
If the atlack sixce«K, tli? t/vg«t h If it
succcoris by m«e iban 6, tlw. iarqt< a deu/oy<*-J.
Or play Ot any timc to g.vc ł10 to Jny attKfc tc dftst-oy the Robot Sca Moratcrs or tho Noclear Pcwfr Compaoies!