1. ) Cut out the shape and all slits (thin-outlined rectangles, there are five)
2. ) Fold all creases, pretty much everything is folded color outward, except tab A and C( and the inner crease on the pant legs at the top.
3. ) Lef a do the towgue ftrat, fold it iwte the modeł-anel puah thm mouth alit.
4. ) Fold the arms so that tab A meets tab B. and the same for tab C and tab D.
5. ) Insert the arms into the slits in the body directly below on either side.
6. ) Insert tab E into slit F, and the same for tab G into slit H.
7. ) Now fold the legs, with center crease color outward and inner crease color inward. Then tuck this "flap" into the body. Try to cover the tabs, but if it is too

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