cutout bmp

cutout bmp

Length of mizzenmast

In struć tions

You will necd:

scissors or a modeling knifc

glue or sticky tape

pencils. crayons. or felt-tip pens

plaslic slraws and a few dead matches. or satay sticks

1    Colour the hull sides, transom and the decks.

2    Cul out the hull sides joined to the bottom. the shrouds. and transom. Then cut out the four separate decks

3    Make smali holes in the maindeck. foredcck and poopdeck for the masts.

4    Fold the sides and transom upwards from the bottom.

5    Use glue or sticky tape to join the sides together at the bow.

6    Insert maindeck tabs a. b and c into slots on both sides of the hull.

7    Insert foredeck tabs d into slots. (Take care that tab a does not come out)

8    Insert tabs e and/of the quarterdeck into slots in hull.

9    Insert tabs g and h of the poopdeck into the slots in the hull.

10    Bend transom to match shape of stem and fix in place with glue or sticky tape.

11    Cut plaslic straws to lengths shown for masts.

12    Put dead matches or sticks in holes in deck to locatc bases of masts

13    Stand masts in position and tape tops of shrouds to masts to support masts.

You might like to draw and cut out sails to put on the masts.

___Length of mainmast

Length of Foremast


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