elekto par bmp

elekto par bmp

File Options Case Informatior &

tatuś: Running (PF) PowerWorld Simulation 4.2 .


Simulation: WSCC.pwd Current Case (Zoomlevel = 477.1)

/ Generator Information for Current Case

Bus Number K41 i ■ i T11 Bus Name





Find By Number


C Open

Find By Name

(* Closed

Regulated Bus Number 20103

MW Control MW Output


Min. MW Output -9999.0 Max. MW Output | 1199.0

F Enforce MW Limits

V Available for AGC Loss Sensitivity MW Ramp Limit -100.0 Participation Factor



580 MW 62 MVR


y ok


Mvar Output Min Mvar Output Max Mvar Output Remote Reg %

Input-Output Curve, Fuel-Cost and Marginal Cost A

B 10.00 C 0.01000 Marginal Cost

X Cancel

Voltage Control

F Available for AVR

Desired Reg. Bus Voltage |1 -0800 Actual Reg. Bus Voltage pTT0800

V Use Capability Curve

Min Mvar

Max Mvar


Start    nap nom - Paint

jfi Viewer

PL | #[►    13:12


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