You must HIGHLIGHT text in order to cut or pastę. To highlight:
1. Place the pointer right before the text you want to highlight.
2. Press the mouse button down, and while HOLDING it down, go to the end of the text you want to select, then
3. Release the mouse button-the text will remain highlighted.
4. To remove highlighting, click anywhere within the typing box.
If the tip of the pointer moves above or below a linę of text, another linę of text will be highlighted. Moving the pointer from side to side highlights text to the left or right.
Managers should not develop personal ties with their employee^Sucł^loseness will ęyęniually lead to an mefficient. weakened company UUŁfliMŁłmilJl _J
The supervi$orthat cant maintain distance in relalionships with employees cant create an efficient workplace
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