0% th'i$ c»*rf at any limę. tt requSres 3ctton(s) by WfeW group(s) wth a t&ai Power cqual 10 the R«is«ncc of the taiget group, <k>..h/ea 1 the group * currentiy Straight. lf * •: controHed by a riva* ocki coruitf-N for fs dosencss to the fikmtiriatŁ AltemaUvely( one lHuwinati ncton \\HI do the {ot. rtc taręet group beccmc-s p^uiane^Uy Weird. '1 it was Stra^ght, that ahgnmeni is tost. Keep tl*cwti, v/ii)i a I nk to the target.