Siudy this ocamplc situarion:
The roof of Lisa‘s housc was damaged in a storm. Yestcrday a workman ca me and repaircd rt.
Lisa had the roof repaircd yesterday.
This nteans: Lisa arranged for somebody cłsc 10 repair ihc roof. She didn't repair it hersełf.
Wc usc havc tomething donc to *ay that we arrange for somebody elsc to do something for us. Compare:
J Lisa repaircd the roof. (= she repaircd it herselfl
Lisa had rhc roof repaircd. |* she arranged for somebody else 10 repair it)
C ‘Did you make those curtains yoursclf?' ‘Yes, I enjoy making things.'
■|>id you have those curtains madę?” 'No. I madę łbem mysdf.’
Be careful with word order. The past pariutpU Ircpaired/cut etc.) is after the objtet: havc objęci pasł partuiple
Lisa had |
rhc roof |
repaired yesterday. |
Where did you havc |
your hair |
Oli? |
Your hair looks nicc. Hast you had |
it |
cut? |
Our neighbour has just had |
a garage |
built. |
Wc arc łiasńig |
the housc |
painted at the moment. |
How often do you have |
your car |
sersieed? |
1 think you shnuld hast |
that coat |
cleaned. |
1 don't likc having |
my photogtaph |
taken. |
Gct something done
You can also say 'ge« something done' instead of ‘hast somcthuig done' Imainly in informa spoken English):
C Wbcn are you going to gct the roof repaircd? (= have the roof repaircd)
C I think you thould gct your hair cut really short.
Sometimcs have something done has a different meaning. For examp!e:
C Paul and Karen had all their money stolca whilc they were on holiday.
This docs not mcan that they arranged for somebody to steal their money. 'They had all th| money stolen' mcans only: 'All their morscy was stolen from them'.
With this meaning, we usc havc something donc to say that something happens to someb their belongings. Usually what happens is not nicc:
C Gary had his nosc broken in a fight. (- hts nose was broken)
C Have you ever lud your passport stolen?