u] bricks is thejact mstead of creating
!£’ rither a soft Iow opacity brush set a suitable snadow colour or use the
mm tool set on midtones or highlights d strofie it along the preińoushcreated lines to create a basie 3® ejfect.
Oeepen the shadows depending on your desired lighting and increase them specially wherever a horizontal and a vertica\ linę meet.
3$irh a light soft brush or the dodge iol (highlights or midtones) add ajew highlights in the center of each brtek.
inlessyou are aimingjor super smooth toneyou could add sonie texture at tliis int. tylny cjrainy brush set on a medium scatter and sparing ratio will do. tyersonally 3prefer to apply textures with the bum and dodge tools (sińce it eeps the premously created shapes morę tact) but a Iow ovacitv brush will work