modified words

modified words

generał vocabulary

Modified words

Wc can somctimes add prefixes to change. or modify. the main mcaning of a verb, noun or adjecłive without making it into an opposite (e.g.. pay - overpay - underpay)

The prefixes we usc to do thii are:

For v*rbs: ov«r- . under- . pre-. for*-

For adjectivat: ov*r- , under- , pre-, fort- . pro- , antl- .

For nouns: pre- . post-, anti- , pro-, under-

Complete th» santancat balów with a comblnation of a pr*fix from box A and a word from

box B.

armcd •


• dimax


• duc •





• holiday

• mined

see •

social •


A.    B.


• over- • anti-


• pro- • fore- • fore-


• pre- • post- • fore-


• anti- • over-

1.    Ewrybody told ut tha film wat fantattic. to w* war* guita a«r lad atoout taaing i:. unforturtataly, .t

wwnl very good. It really wasgult* an_.

2.    Oo you_any problems with the visa? I need to krvotv as soon as pouible if we're kety to

harce difficultiet.

3.    Eseeyona t suffanng from    daprastion. Aftar such a nka braak in Spało. tha goomy weathar

back here in Fnglaod s making us all miserebl*.

■1. The f gure of £90,003 wat a b t of an_. It actua y cost us a most £70,003.

9. Slta's _ and ba iaeas that tha country thotild ramain part of th* Europaan Union.

6.    He t very_, and ignor*s«ll oc» attempts to talk to him or make Ism feel pon of the groop

7.    A lot of_from the imisiersity are trying to gel boliday jobs so that they have some spending

money nert term.

8.    Sl»a was    with good adsnra bafora siła want into tha n:arvi*w.

9.    He was driłing_round the ring road wben the atodent took place. If he had been go ng tlve

other way. he would have been all right.

10.    We svere_of troube by otr spiec and took guns to the nteetirtg.

11.1 alwayt raad my Itorotcopa to tlłat I can    wtiat will happan to ma durng the waak.

12.    Her I brary books were_b/ four weeks, so she had to pay a f ine of a most £8.

13.    He_my confdente by tel hg me that eeeryone Italed me.

14.    last Darembar we had so many_parias that by tha time tha bg day arriv*d I coudn t aat

of dnnk another thing,

15.    He_the amounl of limę needed to decorale the house; Ite thought it woud take frve days

bu*, t only took three.

'Forawarnad it foraarmed it an Ertglidt axpretton wlłklł maant tha: f you know aboul somathing

before t happens, you will be better prepsred.

Person A.    Mr ienkins want* to see me in hs office.'

Person 6.    Be careful. He s in a rea-y bad mood this moming'

Parson A. Thanks. Forawarnad it foraarmadl'

18 _

ht iWmmk »• «»• Zło*/    Lv:t»łV tarHWwiii<P MA UM C<


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