

Legend Notes

L Data media tarmination point.

Each data termlnation point •kTill contoin four (4) Cal 5 UTP nim termlnated on a lourplex wali roounted ELA/T1A. 3tandard outlct. Ali horizontal data media ninn will bc run and tarmlnatad at the naarest IDF or UDF.

Z. Efcrietmę ccmduit for


A.    ABBistEOlt


B.    Principal

C.    Nurse

D.    Seeretaries

F.    3erver

G.    NetWork Printers

Latt/sro - nłnglfl drop 3ped£d Systems Floor Plan


Key Map

llllll I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1_

0'    20*    40’    60’    80’ 100’ Om lOm



Copyright Cisco Systems

iw IM jopantod «OlT t«c CSłOO loUlOKT

Ed HcCarty - 2/25/2000


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