Test 3
(25 punktów)
1. Uzupełnij zdania, używając właściwych form czatu Prcsent continuous.
£xamp!e We grę sw.ing tsLar:! our schonl ocairs on 21 st May.
1. I--(not / havc) a guitar
lesson tomorrow.
2. She - ' (not! stóyż with her
parcnts tlis tine.
2. We _____(gj) tu the nw/ ci?/
stadium tomorrow.
■4. Wiat time_ . (Jack i Itayp)
on Moncay?
5. My blond from Swedcn___
(romft) to visit me next week,
G. Where - (ysu f havc)
the rriealiiifi?
7. I cari'tremember._(/see)
the doctor on T.iesday or Wednesday next week?
B. Colin aid Hilary__
(iot/ .ea,v'6) until the attumn.
9. Tomoirow I_• (play) tennis
with my bcst frlend.
2. Wpisz literę T, jeśli zdanie dotyczy teraźniejszości, lub P, jeśli dotyczy przyszłości.
uamcJte _F_ 1-iey're going to the theatre on Fricky.
3. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednia formą czasu Prcsent continuous, v/U lub going to
toamples My sister ls maune (move> to Braził next wselc Sne is going to wk iworłci for an internationa company.
Siie wili Uvj (live) n Rio lor tlree yąars.
1 -isten to ifcnt wjndt It_(iain).
2 -(not / tul!) anyone until we
krów lor surę.
3. You need help. I___(estry)
ycur bags for ycu.
A. Your fathe-r_met / IśsO you
go to tv? party jf you cloiVl Siudy first.
5. Phil says he_(cook) dinner for
uś toright! He has already dore the ihopping.
6. And__lyou / <eep) th* children
indnors if the weathe' is ldIcJ, pfease?
7 . I __(nsfc/ Lakę) my car to worlc
today. Tli«re's not enough pctrol In i:.
8. A; ________ (otir tSf.m / win)
the chnmpioiship?
B: Whc knews? If we are lucky.
9. My brethe'_O.dsłt) his frond
Tim lliis weekend. Tim has invłted him.
10. It is redly hot in here. I___
(opon) tic Windows.
1. _Malcolm iswearing a suill l've neverseer, hin
in a suit belore.
2 _Angeła’s takhg a weełc off nrvt menrh to movę
3. We're jwvinga few friendsc/ar for a barbeque
4 _y^ dl art: yuudoing? Gan you >’:opandhetame
for c momsritł
5. _When are wg going on hel day<
6. _tfs start;ng to *ain.
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