Hemingway a slmp**ebiog tempie
Inuoducing Hemirsgway
Hemingway ^ favonte auł bor of all urn* and no* \he wh of a Wog theme r*ve created. Hemingway resemNes his namesaKe m many ways Simpłe Co<K»se CraphKal parades r\ave no porpose «n a bk>g ttmptot Tempłates should be simp>e Wogs snouk) be simpa* Hemingway n simpłe
Po»t#d at 0« 11/27.0S Po«#d «n Th# t««pUt« * re»p©*i#» ! r**4 on Ołdef post* 1 2
Hemmr7A.iv n a nehlnn temnlate rreated hv Kv1r