Screen shot 13 02 08 at 02 16

Screen shot 13 02 08 at 02 16


screen only the chickcn Crossing one comer of che village square. I too, in the phorograph of two recarded children at an insritucion in New- Jersey (taken in 1924 by Lewis H. Hinc), hardly sec che monscrous heads and pachecic profiles (which belong to rhe studium)’, what I sce, like Ombredanes blacks, is the off-center dccail, the litcle boy’s huge Danton collar, the girl's ńnger bandage; I am a primitive, a child—or a maniąc; I dismiss all knoydgdgŁ. all culcure, I refusc to inherit anything from anorher cve

an my

The studium is ultimatcly always coded, the punctum is not (I trust I am not using these words abusivcly). Nadar, in his cime (1882),

phocographed Savorgnan de Brazza between two young

blacks dressed as French sailors; one of the two boys. oddly, has rested his hand on Brazza's chigh; this incon-

gruous gcscure is bound to arrest my gazę, to constitute a

punctum. And yet it is not one, for I immcdiately codę the posturę, whether 1 want to or not, as "aberrant” (for me, the punctutn is the other boy’s crossed arms). What I can narae cannoc really prick me. The incapacity to name is a good symptom of disturbance. Mapplethorpc has phoco-graphed Robert Wilson and Philip Glass. Wilson holds me, though I cannot say why, i.t\, say where’. is it the eyes, the skin, the position of the hands, the crack shoes? The effect is certain but uniocatablc, it does not find its sign, its


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