Screen shot 13 02 08 at 06 15
The nocme of Photography i$ simplc, banał; no depth: "that has bcen.” 1 know our critics: Whac! a whole book (even a short one) to

discover somcthing I know at first flance? Yes, but such evidence can be a sibling of madness. The Photograph is an extended, loadcd evidence—as if it caricaturcd nor the figurę of what it represenrs (quite the converse) but its very existencc. The image, says phenomenology, is an objcct-as-nothing. Now, in the Photograph, what I posit is not only rhe absencc of the object; ir is aJso, by one and rhe same movement, on equal terms, the fact thar this object has indeed existed and that it has bccn rhere where I see it. Herc is where the madness is, for until this day no represenration could assure me of rhe past of a thing cx-cept by intermediaries; but with rhe Photogtaph, my cer-rainty is immediate: no one in the world can undcceivc me. The Photograph then becomes a bizarre medium, a new form of hallucination: falsc on the level of perecp-tion, true on the lcvel of time: a temporal hallucination, so to speak, a modest, shared hallucination (on the one hand "it is not dicre," on the other "but it has indeed bccn"): a mad image, chafcd by reality.
I am trying to render the spccial quality of this halluci-narion, and 1 find this: the same evcning of a day I had again becn looking at photographs of my mother, I went to see Fellinis Casanova with some friends; 1 was sad, the
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Screen shot 13 02 08 at 06 30 The other means of taming thc Photograph is to gcn-cralizc, to grcgarScreen shot 13 02 08 at 01 15 acrobat, must defy thc laws of probabilicy or even of pos-sibility; aScreen shot 13 02 08 at 06 06 "How eon one have an inielligens <ur wisbout thinking ofScreen shot 13 02 08 at 06 22 film cxaspetated mc; buc when Casanova began dancing wiih che young aScreen shot 13 02 08 at 59 45 image-repertoire, thc Photograph (thc one I intend) rep-resents thatScreen shot 13 02 08 at 59 53 The disordcr which from thc very flrsc I had ob-servcd in PhotographyScreen shot 13 02 08 at 00 28 .. the shcet carried by tbe weeping mofbtr (w by tbis skuci?) ., KOUNScreen shot 13 02 08 at 00 39 skal body of Information: rebcllion, Nicaragua, and all thc signs ofScreen shot 13 02 08 at 01 52 I The ttr*pp«d purnps James Van ona Zbe. Family Po*trait. 1926 0954);Screen shot 13 02 08 at 04 55 Ali those young photographcrs who are at work in thc world, dctermineScreen shot 13 02 08 at 05 38 same way, this photograph of my father as a child: noth-ing to do witScreen shot 13 02 08 at 58 32 i V Ćf-u/r/t/j i Pa i U Z c H r i Specialty of tbe PhotographScreen shot 13 02 08 at 58 42 .Sdtory After-tbe-Fact and Silence Blind Field Palinodc RT Two "Screen shot 13 02 08 at 58 50 ; UcLiiśJk P.W.MWrr-ff- One day, quite somc cimc ago, I happencd on aScreen shot 13 02 08 at 59 00 Who could help me? From the First step, that of classification (wc muScreen shot 13 02 08 at 59 10 p amorous or funereal immobility, at the very heart of the moving worScreen shot 13 02 08 at 59 19 laiaJUBlMM sonal impulscs, I would try to formulate the fundamenta! fScreen shot 13 02 08 at 59 29 hole" (stenope) through which he looks, limits, frames, and persScreen shot 13 02 08 at 59 36 apart from any effigy. What I want, in short, is that my (mobile) imawięcej podobnych podstron