IMGR34 (2)

IMGR34 (2)


^■Apod MWMy wkh a kmfć. • Whcre oolour* were uwd chcy wen pinu 1 cfce    HinH aramping widi nnall ‘iron*’ (Ii./rrr». Fr. _/rr pserr/s. Sp. hmrrat

F%- i) fcilu wrił    Ain was irimmcd co chc cararc sizc mjuircd. Ic is elear

«*»■ ikTripri^n >daes to chc earlicr (che tecond) cype ofp«£>w,. widh a flat surfacc, no aa bcuag mirlr oFany kind otf*cenafaossang


I7J5    «77»>* (Fig- 4] and

two huodred yews bon che aame proces* wach only minor aariation* waa wach ansach verbal *lat>oracion. in rwo Frcnch pablicacaona — in che Didcroc (whcre «he hall infcrmaciow ha* co be aoogbt in four dircnc volumci pub-

*he publicadon* of tbc Aeadenmc

JFsc- s« hiwrhn <*•

(Inv- hTo- *a-4«), pcobaHy London-made: exca|>tiaig G bmgn ‘Spanoh* !»-»»*«*■■ boa aa <wr found in dm case and Of che rrniin nłi ■ only D. E d H are fkseły nwnmon on raihcr lilie A and J aie aomcnma encountered, boi ih* ncupi—i of dar rot. P aa muw pniwnal. oonaimng of finr lina flat, whereai cadc* and paraIIcl linę* pcoduce aa anbmiing of narfarr cha cacnci ccinrillarion fiom che pkłed Icachcr.

Franęaiac by Fougcro ux dc Bondaroy. The la ner publicadnn i* daced 1762 bul one of iu plam was ori^inally cngraved in * 708 (for what project as not scaced) alebough ahered in ame respects For chia work. The Didcroc accounc indudes a aeerion oŁ>viously baacd on che Fiench cdidon oF Fioravanci published in 1580 :4 ic eaecludcs any menrion of hand-Kimptng which had largdy, buc noc erscircly. been rcplaccd by che radonalircd peocesaes aF pla»--r yfilw^wg or mouldmg ; buc ic indudes che princing of design* ara black on che aahered surfacc. as described by che Icalian. Ic seems chat one purpose of chia procedurę was co act aa a guule whcre. in che making a des^n using boch gold and aalver, che yeftlow varaisb was rcmoved wach a knifć fiom che part* co remain salver.

* In


dic ycflow was applacd. afier ■mbusnng. only whoe ns^tnral V- 54 (i755> snd Syy/rW. II. 7JJ    ph«*:

*ao (l777>


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