II will be scen «h*l (herc ii Mili a grcac dcal of unccrtainty about the hittoty of the industry. The author’s aim herc has bccn to sum up the present sute of our know-Icdge. But (herc is no doubt chat patiem study will in time teveal much morę about this important crnft which did so much to brighten the homes ofour anccuori ' those of them who could a fiord the luxuiy.
As dut book was goiiig to peess, the author’s attention was drawn to a book entitled Ttfttr*, edited by Hen Hdntich Olligs and publithed at Brunswick in 1970. which indudes a cha pert on gśk-leather hangings. Althongh not very long. this is a tound essay with which a good sclcction offlluurations is rcproduccd.