Isomctric exercises are uncqualled for (hcir slated purpose: muscular strcngth and power, and muscle tonę. The other requirements of your body that arc not fulfiUed with the use of isometric cxercises are: coordination. reaction time, suppleness. reflex action. and agiiity. The ideał progrant to kecp you in top physical condition is one that includes daily isometric exer-cises plus an activity such as walking. swimming, judo, playing tennis. hand-ball or a similar gamę. The activity exercisc need be done only oncc or twice a week. If you do one or the other—isometries or activity—it is much better than doing no excrcisc at all. To do both wili give your body all ii needs for glowing good health and the knowledge that you look your best and work your best and that your body is able to function at its highest peak.