Kow, twlat around rt*om tho waiat untll tho rlght hond touohu* the left to© «• la Fx«re'jo *, poaltinn (b). Isnodlateł twlat feeclt to the rlght ild© untll tho left hand touohea tho rlght tooo.
Toueh ottoh ftot alx t ino a.
Con»t koep tho ft»ot too elocoly togothor.
:>or.»t aake tho oxorolae oaaior by roaohing for tho too.
Rowolwe fyae the miit with the arna always et tho aaiao an,-lo.
Dor. 't por fora the ©xcroico alowly.
Donłt hołd 7our broath.
Ali ot tboro •x©rołaco nwst bo porfomod olghtly.
Do not e.terolao la the sornlng untll adYlaed*
Juet bofcro retlriar ia a;. Idoal tlme*
Hover axorolae within two hour* aftcr a r*ial. It forcoa dlgoation.
Sleop et loaat aooen houra. Ko ooro Łhan alae.
Keep your windowi opon at nlght, both top and bottora.
After oaoh tralala/; porlod takc a tepld bath.
Aftor tho bath taJco o brlak rub down to atlaulato tho blood to tho aur raco.
Fhrory thlrd praetloo nlght add ono ropotltłon to oaoh oxorclao.
Por fora oaoh oxoroiao alowly unlooa advlaod otherwleo.
ęonoontrato fbrelbljr with your ndnd. rtorgot erorythir.r ©Ino but whot you aro dolng.
-.trangly your o.