Obrazek46 (2)

Obrazek46 (2)

Victorian ladies used to havc dieir initials stitclied on their li non so thc itenis wouldnt go missing at t!ic laundry. Thcse days \vc have iron-on namc tags, which are much moro practical but not ncarly so much lun - and besidcs, dierek something very luxurious and nostalgie about having a set of embroidered linen to gec out for special occasions. Remember you can play about with colours and fabrics to find the combination that Works for you — for instance, if you find waste canvas a bit fiddly. stitch srraight on to somc evcnwcave and attach to a ready-made tea towel with running stiteb. Easy!

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Project by: Lcslcy Tearc

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