3 Spójrz na poniższy fragment listu i uzupełnij go. wstawiając <i lot of, nuimj. mmli lub sonie. W niektórych wypadkach jest więcej niż jedna prawidłowa odpowiedź.
4 Dopasuj do siebie fragmenty zdań.
I started mv ncw joli last wcck. The company I work for hiis a smali offiee in the city. There arcn’t people
there; just me and fivc others. The hoss makos ns \v« »rk
very liard aiul there are always..............things to do, so I
don’t get..............Irce tlnie during the day; mnyhe hall an
hour for lunch and ten minutes for tea or coffee in the mor nimi Tlils is a hit nmioymg. hceause there are
................good shops in the area. and you know how
much I like shopping! On the orlier hand, tlicy don’t pay
me very....................money, so its probahly just as woli
1 don’t i*et the ehanec to speiul ii! The good news is (hal 1
have mnnaged to savc.................. money for my holiday
ne.\t montli!
al l« >ls of fothJ In the hou.se
bl some really good friends
c) a lot of good rnuseums tliat I would recommend
dl much fuod in Ihe house c| many friends
: .......fi much tlme bełore our
train leaves
1 We'd love to ltelp you. hut unforturuitcly we havcn't got
2 You shoultl vis'U London whcn you are in England. There are
ł I enjoy a good sodal Hic I have
<1 My social life isnt gre.it I don'! have
r> We il have U) go to a restaurani fot dlnner There isn‘t
o Let s eat at liome tonight There's
5 Posłuchaj n3giania i sprawdź swoje odpowiedzi.
Uzupełnij zdania wyrażeniami z ramki.
lots of things much money many friends some watcr some broken glass
1 Are you thirsly? Theres....... ...... in the frldge
2 He's unhappy Me hasnt got....................................
3 Be carelull Theres ........ ...... onthefloor
4 I can t go out tonight I haven‘t got ...........................
5 Th-.t i a. . ..................................VliuV 1 litu..
220 English in 20 minutes a day