Nkc.k Rl\(. WITII <>K w I ki siiw mi k IM:\ki.s
l.englh: 1(5 Ml iiu h Ml cm) wiihout clasp
>mra mamlrel
6:,A fcei (2 ml of strrllng sllwr w Ire.
22 gauge 1.6 mm)
li ■/« feel 12 ml o( sterllng sllwr w irr.
W gange (1.2 mmi
.i (cci (1.5 ml of sterllng sil\cr w ire.
21 gauge (.5 mm)
22 gra\ freshwalcr i>rarls. 7 lo 6 mm
2 rmgs maile (roni I8'gauge (I mm) si er ling ■<il\er u ire on a -l-min maiulrcl
Ster ling sil\cr fiearl hall clasp. 10 mm
2 sierling sllwr cml pieces.
4 mm In iliameter
Photo on page 2(»
Separatek ply ilie 22-gauge (.(1 mml and the 1(>-gauge (1.2 mm) wlres. umil cach measures M Inchcs (85 cm).
Ply botti plicil wlres together looscly lo make one wire. Tliis is ihe wirc youll work willi.
Make a coli on ihe mamlrel, as describcd on page II. Oxldlze the coil and ihe 21-gauge |.5 mmi wire. or you can polish the coil in ihe tumhlcr.
Draw ihe spiral om lo the proper Icnglh.
Be ca refu I uoi lo puli ii om loo far. or <t' may spring and enilrely luse lis coiled characier.
Shape ilu* neck ring on something rour-fl! umil you re happy with lis shape.
Now add ihe pearl beads: Siari by win Ing 24-gaugc (.5 mm) wire lightly arout one ond of ihe neck ring. Place a bcad on the wire. Wrap the wire through the next lurn of ihe spiral. Repeat tliis unr all the spaces belween lurns have pear Knd by wrapping the end of the wire around the coil as you did at the hegiri-mng.
Inslead uf large freshwaler pearls. you might usc many smaller ones.
(Hue on the end pieces (see page 10) ar ad<l the clasp.