could re-teach the lesson, how well the teacher feels s/he performed as an EFL teacher, etc.
In order to safe time for the preparation, copies of the lesson plan form can be provided to the student teachers.
The fołlowing is an example after Celcie-Murcia, 1979: LESSON PLAN
Student teacher's name_„__
Datę of presentation__
Estimated time of lesson__
Teaching point . _:_
Pre-assessment activity __
Relationship to current unit
Pre-entry performance_
Performance objectives_
Criterion level_
PROCEDURES (Student activities)
Step 1 - Introduction (time:)
Step n. (Concluding activity that permits informal testing of criterion level established above.)
Assignment (optional):
Contingency plans:
Comments/Self-evaluation: (Fili out after lesson is taught.)
8.2. Problem-soIving, dramatisation and role-playing
8.2.1. Problem-solving
Problem solving is. a learning strategy that involves selecting from several alternatives in order to reach a desired goal. In problem-solving activities the leamer is given a situation that must be solved through smali group discussions. The learners are given a problem that reąuires higher-order thinking in terms of criteria given in the problem. The talk about the problem, certain vocabulary items is needed. Before the students solve the problem, the teacher presents the necessary vocabulary. This activity, then, is not a way to introduce the vocabulary; it is rather a way to allow the students to use it in a natural context after it has been explained. The actual method of presentation of the words is the generał approach previously outlined.
8.2.2. Dramatisation
Another way to give the class practice in speaking is to let them perform little skits and short plays. If the learners have to perform before the class, they are morę likely to study their parts und learn them by heart. They will retain some of them and their patterns, and later use them unconsciously in their conversation. It is important to avoid long plays in which only a few people can Bpeak. Short skits give morę practice to morę learners. The purpose of dramatization in class is to make the learners speak.
8.2.3 Role-plying
Role-playing is the classroom activity in which students take thi roles of different participants in a real-life-like situation and act out what might typically happen in that situation. In doing the role-playing, the students are likely to need certain vocabulary. These words can be introduced by the teacher prior to the dramatization,