Zadanie egzaminacyjne
Opisz ilustrację na stronie 273 i odpowiedz na pytania egzaminującego.
□ a. He's taking some notes so he's probably looking at a Computer screen. Maybe he's copying something from a document or reading a webpage and making notes. There is a fish-tank on the desk, so maybe he's reading some intormation about fish and how to feed them or take care of them.
mm ' M mmmmm lemat z katalogu Informatora 2005:
Materiał stymulujący str. 273
Dodatkowe słownictwo str. 59
1. Przeczytaj poniższy opis zdjęcia z zadania
egzaminacyjnego. Jest on poprawny, ale zdecydowanie zbyt szczegółowy. Wykreśl elementy, które uważasz za zbędne. Bardzo szczegółowe opisy zastąp bardziej ogólnymi. Porównaj swoją odpowiedź z wersją w kluczu (strona 266).
In the picture I can see a teenage boy, probably in his room. The boy is wearing a T-shirt, black trousers and socks. The room is very messy. He's sitting on his bed. The bed is not madę, and there are piilows, covers and pyjamas on it. The pil-L lows and covers are white and the pyjamas are white and blue. | Next to the bed, there is a chest of drawers. There is a smali | lamp on it. The lamp is lit, so it is probably evening or night. | There are many smali objects next to the lamp. I think that they : are chewing gum, sweets and a toy. There is a chair beside the
I chest of drawers. There are a lot of clothes on the chair, [ trousers, sweaters and T-shirts. There are also many newspa-pers and magazines on the floor, and there is a remote control ( and a packet of tissues next to it.
□ b. I believe it's very important. I can't imagine having to work in such a mess, with fish food, and books and CDs everywhere on my desk. It's very difficult to concentrate when your desk is a mess, and it's hard to find something you need. Also, some important notes may get lost. When your desk is organised, it's much easier to find what you need quickly.
You won't get nervous and your work will be of a better quality.
5. Odpowiedz na pozostałe dwa pytania, dotyczące
fotografii z zadania egzaminacyjnego.
Możesz wykorzystać poniższe podpowiedzi.
# lazy ® not organised # easy-going
# doesn't like cłeaning # takes a lot of time
# his parents do everything for him
# he doesn't worry about smali things
® he doesn't mind living in a mess # he's an artist
# very boring # gets dirty anyway # no point
# love organising things # getting rid of old things
# like living in a clean room # nicer
# morę pleasant # friends can come anytime
# impress a girlfriend # make my parents happy
2. Poniżej zamieszczono fotografię podobną do tej z zadania egzaminacyjnego. Opisz ją samodzielnie.
3. Przyjrzyj się obu zdjęciom z tej jednostki (str. 273 oraz zdjęcie powyżej).
Do każdego z nich dopasuj po dwa pytania z podanych niżej (1-4).
1. What do you think he's looking at? Why do you think so?
2. What kind of person do you think he is? Why?
3. Do you like cłeaning your own room? Why (not)?
4. Do you think it's important to have an organised desk while working and studying? Why (not)?
4. Dopasuj poniższe odpowiedzi (a-b) do pytań (1-4).
( Dwa pytania pozostaną bez odpowiedzi.