skanuj0022 (192)

skanuj0022 (192)

10.6 Coronal Sections: XI and XII (Occipital)

Longitudinal cerebral fissure



Posterior lobe ofcerebellum


A Coronal section XI

The piane of this section clearly shows the posterior (occipital) horns of the lateral ventricles; these appear only as narrow slits in the next section (see D). The section also illustrates once again how the posterior horn is a prolongation of the interior (temporal) horn (see B). Between the cere-bellum and the occipital lobe of the cerebrum lies the tentorium cerebelli (see C). The tentorium contains the straight sinus, which passes to the confluence of the sinuses. It is one of the dural venous sinuses thatdrain blood from the brain, beginning atthe confluence of the great cerebral vein and the interior sagittal sinus (removed during preparation of the falx cerebri). Because the dura is removed from the brain in the preparation of most tissue sections, the sinuses enclosed by the dura mater also tend to be removed.

B Ventricular system viewed from the left side

C The dural sinuses Viewed from upper left.


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