MODĘ (Configure Serial Port)
Configures a serial Communications port.
lhis version ot the MODĘ command sets t.he parameters tor a serial port (C0M1, C0M2, C0M3, or C0M4).
MODĘ COMmE:3 CbC,pE,dC,sC,r33333
MODĘ C0MmE:3 EBAUD=b] EPARITY=p] EDATA=d3 EST0P=s3 ERETRY=r3 Parameters COMm
Spec i-Fi es the number ot the serial (COM) port. Valid values tor m are in the rangę 1 through 4.
It you omit any ot the -Foliowing tive parameters, MODĘ uses the most recent setting for the omitted parameter. If you are using the shorter form ot the synta>: (without the words BAIJD=, PARITY=, DATA=, and so on), the MODĘ command "recognizes" the parameters by their positions. Thus, if you do not specify a value for a parameter, you must still type the comma that precedes the next parameter.
Spec i-Fi es the first two digits ot the transmission ratę in bits per second. The following list shows each valid value for b and its related ratę:
11 110 baud
15 150 baud
30 300 baud
60 600 baud
12 1200 baud
24 2400 baud
48 4800 baud
96 9600 baud
19 19,200 baud
The b value ot 19 i s not supported on all computers (chęci; your hardware manuał). You can abbreviate this parameter by omitting BAUD= and specifying a value for b.
Specif ies how the system uses the par i ty bit to chęci; for transmission errors. The p value can be one of the following: N (nonę), E (even), 0 (odd), M (mark), or S (space). The default value is E. Not all computers support the values M and S. You can abbreviate this parameter by omitting PARITY= and specifying a value for p.
Specifies the number of data bits in a character. Valid values for d are in the rangę 5 through 8. The default yalue is 7. Not all computers