

Exercising on a Physio-Roll(1)

The patient can also swivel their hips on the roli by moving pne of their legs at a time (2) and letting their trunk tum so they are sitting on the end of the roli. Then, the therapist may sit behind them on the roli (3) and have many options for controlling the patient's trunk and arms while still having control of the roli with their \ If the patient cannot move their legs independently, the therapist can stand behind them for trunk support and help lift and move the legs one at a time. Otherwise. it may take two therapists. one standing behind patient for balance and one in front to move the legs.

The therapist can also have the patient inch back to straddle the roli so they are sitting in the dip or saddle of the roli (5). This helps control lower extremity adductor spasticity. It also allows the patient to put their hands on the roli in front of them giving them morę security and balance assist (6). In this position, there is little room for the therapist to sit on the roli behind the patient so they will need to use the previously mentioned front guarding techniąues (7).

*See transfer to side sit to help patient assume prone. supine or side lying positions over the roli. The Physio-Roll™ allows the patient to perform many of the other exercises shown in these positions with greater support and less difficulty. Assistance may still be required by a therapist.

Therapists may need to modify the guarding techniąues to accommodate their own physical abilities, size and strength. There are many other simpler guarding methods that can bc used as patients progress and need less assistance.

O lont. liy Joann* Pomar-Mayar, PT

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Unlike a hard foam roli. the Physio-Roll™ is soft and molds to comfortably support the body as it moves. The Physio-Roll™ is a wonderful tool to safely transfer patients to and front the tloor with minimal strength and risk on the pan of the therapist(s). There are two basie ways this can be accomplished. Use previously mentioned method to transfer patient from chair to roli.

1.    From Physio-Roll™ to Long SFl:

Stand behind the patient and place hands under patienfs axilla from the front. Using proper body meehanics for hinging at the hips, be prepared to slowly bend forward.

The patient should be instructed to walk their feet out and lean backward as their body rolls down the Physio-Roll™ toward the floor until their buttocks touch. The therapist can control speed at which patient descends from behind by using the leverage created as the patient leans backward and rests their trunk on the roli while their hands keep the patienfs balance. If the patient cannot move their legs forward in a stepping partem, an assistant will be needed to move feet.

Reverse this process to transfer from floor to Physio-Roll™. The therapist may need to puli back slightly under patienfs anris to start the roli inoving as the patient leans backwards and lifts their hips by pushing their feet into the floor. While walking backward slowly. the therapist may need to help the patient come up to a seated position as their body rolls up onto the Physio-Roll™. Again. an assistant will be need to move the feet if the patient is unable.

2.    From Physio-Roll™ to Side Sit: Stand behind the patient and place hands under patients axilla from the front or back whichever is morę eomfortable. The patient should place both hands beside their hip on the roli. The patient should be instructed to walk feet out and slowly tum their body toward hands. The therapist can assist the patient in tuming sideways on the roli as they slowly allow patient to lower sideways over the roli to the floor. The Physio-Roll™ will roli forward as the patienfs body lowers to floor. The patienfs lower artn should open out and allow the Physio-Roll™ to roli up under their axilla as the hips slowly lower to floor in side sitting position. I do not recommend this approach if the patient cannot assist with legs.

Reverse this process to transfer from floor to sit. Caution: Do not start by putting patients axilla in the center-of the roli because as they tum their hips will end up on the edge of the roli. Axilla needs to be placed towards the edge of the roli so hips will end in the center.


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