img043 (27)

img043 (27)

] k on RS, p on WS


[~$T| kltbi on RS, pltbl on WS


0 *0

0 «*


sl 1 purlwise wyf



Stitch    Twisted


4 st repeat



Rep last 2 rows 4 morę times—48 (52, 52, 54, 58) sts rem. Rep Dec Row 1 every RS row 8 (10, 10, 11, 13) times—32 sts rem.

BO 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows, then 5 sts at beg of foli 2 rows. BO rem 16 sts.


Sew shoulder seams. Set in sleeves. Neckband: Place 60 (64, 64, 66, 66) held sts from front and back holders on smaller cir needle—120 (128, 128, 132, 132) sts.

Pm and join in the md. Work 8 rnds in twisted rib patt. BO all sts loosely in patt. Weave in ends. Lightly błock linen st and lace st sections; do not błock ribbing. □



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