img047 (25)

img047 (25)




♦    To make the piece easier to look at as you work, place the stitches of each błock onto a strand of waste yarn. Use a different color of waste yarn for each tier, making it easier to tell when to begin a new tier.

♦    Circumference of finished skirt at lower edge measures 75 (82'/2, 90, 97Vi, 105)".

ANNIE MODESITT is the author of Knit with Courage, Live with Hope (ModeKnit Press, 2008). She blogs at

Finlshed Size 32'A (35%, 39, 42K, 45 waist circumference and 25" long (all sizes). Skirt shown measures 39" waist. Yarn Blue Moon Fiber Arts Luscious Silk (100% silk; 360 yd [329 m]/127 g): spinel,

4 (4, 4, 4, 5) skeins.

Needles Size 6 (4 mm): 24" or longer circular (cir). Adjust needle size if neces-sary to obtain the correct gauge.

Notions Markers (m); tapestry needle; size 1/9 (5.5 mm) crochet hook; waste yarn (optional).

Gauge 20 sts and 28 rows = 4" in St st; 11-st Tier 1 błock = 1Vi" wide and 3" high.


CO 110 (120, 130, 140, 150) sts. Place marker (pm) and join in the rnd.

Rnd 1: Purl.

Rnd 2: *K2, sl 2 as if to k2tog, kl, p2sso, k3, yo, kl, yo, kl; rep from * around.

Rep Rnds 1 and 2 two morę times.

Next md: Purl, inc 0 (1, 2, 3, 4) st(s) evenly spaced around—110 (121, 132, 143, 154) sts.

Base triangles: (11-st WS triangles) Tum work so WS is facing.

Row 1: (WS) P2, turn.

Row 2: (RS) K2, turn.

Row 3: P3, turn.

Row 4: K3, turn.

Row 5: P4, turn.

Row 6: K4, turn.

Row 7: Purl to 1 st past last turning point, turn.

Row 8: Knit to end, turn.

Rep last 2 rows 5 morę times—10 triangle sts.

Row 19: Pil, do not turn—11-st triangle complete.

Rep Rows 1-19 of base triangle 9 (10, 11, 12, 13) morę times—10 (11, 12, 13, 14)

11-st triangles.

Tier 1: (11-st RS blocks) Turn work so RS is facing. Kil. Błock:

Row 1: (RS) Pick up and knit 11 sts along side of base triangle.

Row 2: (WS) Sl 1, plO, turn.

Row 3: [Ssk (see Glossary), yo] 5 times, ssk (last st of błock tog with first st of base triangle).

Rep Rows 2 and 3 ten morę times—all sts of base triangle have been worked tog with this błock. Rep błock instructions 9 (10,

11, 12, 13) morę times—10 (11, 12, 13, 14) 11-st blocks.

Tier 2: (11-st WS blocks) Turn work so WS is facing. Pil. Błock:

Row 1: (WS) Pick up and purl 11 sts along side of Tier 1 błock.

Row 2: (RS) Sl 1, [yo, k2tog] 5 times.

Row 3: (WS) PlO, p2tog (last st of błock tog with first st of Tier 1 błock).

Rep Rows 2 and 3 ten morę times—all sts of Tier 1 błock have been worked tog with this błock. Rep błock instructions 9 (10,

11, 12, 13) morę times—10 (11, 12, 13, 14)

11-st blocks.

Tier 3: (13-st RS blocks) Turn work so RS is facing. Kil. Błock:

Row 1: (RS) Pick up and knit 13 sts evenly spaced along side of Tier 2 błock.

Row 2 and all WS rows: Sl 1, pl2, turn. Row 3: (RS) Kl, yo, ssk, k3, yo, ssk, k2, k2tog, yo, ssk (last st of błock tog with first st of Tier 2 błock).

Row 5: Kl, yo, ssk, kl, k2tog, yo, kl, yo, ssk, kl, k2tog, yo, ssk (last st of błock tog with first st of Tier 2 błock).

Row 7: Kl, yo, ssk, k2tog, yo, k3, yo, ssk, k2tog, yo, ssk (last st of błock tog with first st of Tier 2 błock).

Rep Rows 2-7 two morę times, then work Rows 2-5 once morę—all sts of Tier 2 błock have been worked tog with this błock. Rep błock instructions 9 (10, 11, 12, 13) morę times—10 (11, 12, 13, 14) 13-st blocks.

Tier 4: (13-st WS blocks) Tum work so WS is facing. P13. Błock:

Row 1: (WS) Pick up and purl 13 sts along side of Tier 3 błock.

Row 2: (RS) Sl 1, yo, ssk, k3, yo, ssk, k2, k2tog, yo, kl.

Row 3 and all WS rows: P12, p2tog (last st of błock tog with first st of Tier 3 błock). Row 4: Sl 1, yo, ssk, kl, k2tog, yo, kl, yo, ssk, kl, k2tog, yo, kl.



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