

| Bloom Syndrome

It^ftlcal etiur a c tcrfa t Ics i

•    Sit orf ii ta furo

•    A narrow foce wlfh prominent nonę

•    Skin color cttanjfcji In Hie Itace, < 'bitnee moro notlccuhle after sunllght ripoturr

•    BuNerlb -thNpcfl ftacinl rwłt, slmltar to ra»h cauacd by Ł,upus KjythtmatMn

•    A hl|h pltchetf %okt

•    An Inrremril Misceptibillty to inltactlona and respiratory lltaeu

•    An bicremicd mtareptlblllty to cancer and leukemia I Some may akio havt men tal retardatlon


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