

ECLECTISM -relates to different tecbnigues ;


krtodcdyt 'k^uLter koj

1) -Inforiaed: teachers combine different methods carefully and at random

- uninformed

of. the intuition , at random .

teacher combines elements on the basis A tyrf isa4ć6i    ■rf-

fae At-ofckuU

2) — pract-tr-aJ :using different combinations of

elements of the teaching method on the basis of the intuition (it lęads to ABORTIVE eclectism )

One technigue

aborts the other

- theoretical

teacher's theoretical consideration -

T combines technigues but he changes them to adjust it to the situation ( the way of cońducting the lesson) - the T invents new technigue ( individual adaptation )    -

3 v.^. fi .imni tan eon s r usincr elements of different methods jchrć&a£.

i    , , mm    cau

a u the same time ( it xs not suggested because it. is ętw not efficient , by using it we may destroy the posif iye. ef fęęt. bf r the other technigue r segkiraal; different methods at different times

done in ćonsequetive way ( one by one ) - it is suggested by methodolpgists .


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