_ Jmulticentric origin of tha tumor.
Hera is an hepatocełłular carcrnoma. Such Ih/er cancers ansę in the setting of cirrhosis. Worldwide. vtral hepatiiis is the most common causa, but in the U.S.. chronic alcoholism is ihe most common causa. The naoplasm is larga and bulky and has a , The satellrte nodulas of this hepatocełłular carclnoma graanish cast bacausa it contains bila. To the right of the main represent either intrahepatic spraad of tha tumor oc
mass ara smajłer satailita nodulas.
r« te anothe* htpaoc«Sui« carclnoma wtth a 9r««nish w hue Ona duo to tha prasanca of such a naoplasm is |elavated sarum afctfuhfotoprotein. Such massas may also f obsfrucf tha biary traci and łaad to an a4avalad pana phosphataso
Tha malignant ceiis of this hepatocełtuiar carcinoma tsaan mostty on tha right ^ ara wad differentłated and IntardigRata wtth normal. largar hapalocytas (saan mostty at tha laft).