Problem with “Hummingbird Trellis” Afghan Layout
I have run into a problem with the pattern layouts. Sąuares 1 and 2 match up, and sąuares 3, 4 and 5 match up; however, Sąuares 2 and 3 do not. I believe they are one row off.
I started with Sąuare 3 sińce I am stitching the Hummingbird Trellis on Lugana 20 ct. white with silver metallic, stitching over 2 threads, using 3 strands of thread. Using the half hummingbird in Sąuare 3 and the half white daisy in the upper left corner as guides, the right side of the design matches up to sąuare perfectly. But if you look at the half white daisies in Sąuares 2 and 3, I think the pattern is off by one row.
If I move Sąuare 2 up one row to connect to Sąuare 3, then both Sąuares 1 and 2 will be short one row to linę up with Sąuares 6 and 7. Likewise, if I move Sąuares 3, 4 and 5 down one row, they won’t match up to Sąuares 8, 9 and 10.
Have you found this mistake yet and what corrections need to be madę. I surę don’t want to undo all of Sąuare 3. Please help! Judy Chartre, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Editors Notę: You are the first to bring this error to our attem tion. In fact, our stitcher worked the afghan just as it is shown in the graph and we never noticed any problem. Since you are stitching the blochs together as one complete design, you discov-ered the discrepancy. We suggest you disregard the symbols shaded in blue on the right edge of Sąuare #2 (page 42 of Feb 2005 issue). The purple shading on page 43 is correctly show-ing the positioning of Błock #2 in conjunction with Błock #3: we suggest you add one “x” symbol at the top rightmost row of Błock #2 and add one “/” symbol at the bottom leftmost row of Błock #3 to adjust. Hope this helps.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We regret any inconvenience this causes any of our stitchers.
Thanks for your ąuick response. And thank you even morę for the solution. I’ve been a huge fan of Stoney Creek sińce 1985 and wont stitch anything but, and have stitched many of your afghans. Can’t wait to continue on!