mbs 015
my BKi:.\nriN<. >ysti;m
the body. But. one thing is quite certain : when deep-breatbing exercises liave given bad results, tlien tłu* method has becn a wrong one. 1 herc aro three classes of peoplc
Fig. I. A Wkung Mi-.tiu»i» m- Diip-Bkiatiiing
1‘liotograph ot tlu* \utlior. t.ikrn aliout 2.1 vrars aco, wlirit lir ‘liii hot po-.srss ho ntnrl) liniwliilRr .nul r\ jr rirnri ,ih nim
amongst whotn we may be surę of nieeting the inelastie “ cropper cliest,” veiling an incipient or already developed etnphysema or even heart disease. Let me cite the case of the Swedish gymnasts, of whom I shall have occasion to speak in a later chapter : tlie \ictims of inilitary ilrill ; and the so-called " strong men."
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