mbs 127

mbs 127


ideał breathing should bring every part of tlie lungs into


But. unfortunately, thc mcthod of breathing adyocated by tlie comniittee makes it a physical impossibility to bring every part of tlie lungs into actirity.

For, if tlierc is to be a fuli inflation of the lungs, the chest must be fully c.ypandcd in it- thrcc diamcters ; but if therc is to bc—as thc committee suggest the hardcning of the abdominal walls wliich cliecks the outward bulging," it is impossible to expand the lowcr ribs. Thcre rnust bc no " chcck,” no “ hardcning nor any drawing inwards of the abdominal wali," if the lungs are to bc inflated at tlieir bases, whidt is most important, as the lungs are broadest herc. The correct method of breathing when the bc-st vocal cffects are dcsired, to say nothing about healthy breathing, is the concerted and harmonious action of all, and not part, of tlie respiratory mechanisrn.

Just in order to countcr-balance thc eventual damage caused by ntouth-breathing durtng singing, it is for yoealists of the highcst importancc that they acąuire the habit of exclusive nasal breathing during physical excrcises, and always in daily lite when they are not cultiyating tlieir talent.

It is admitted on all -ides that consmnption is associated with ali forms of poor breathing. and it is a terrible tliing to contemplate that inadequate methods of breathing are daily being taught in our schools; and espccially so when one generation of correct breathers wouid reduce consumption to a minimum.

it wearies and sickens one to tliink that the groat masses of luimauity are rut off. in carly childhood and ripc manliood, by a discase wliich can bc minimised if the wholc mechanisrn of respiration were employed. 1 losc obsen ation and long expcrience have proved to mc that thc majority of my fellow men brcatlie superfieially.


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