jow04 05

jow04 05

Qrw thlr.- you can alwaya roly upór, that a ran with a woli aHapod, woli dcrol-epod eslf :ms a atronr pa Ir of Inatops, aad that 1« the ono thł:u; that counta*

Thoro la an old saying that onco your foot arc en tho blink you aro all on tho bllnk, whioh la rory truo.

Oaneors, Junpora and ahort dlstanoo runnora all havo woli dwelopoć lora, but fbar of ua harc tino for thoao aport* #von If wo wlahod, and w* would oortainly find lt a vory atronuoua praetloo to uao ln ordor to atlarulata lowor lec dorolojacnt*

Sut you ahould ioarn to walk rl&ht*

Ttalk fair hool and too.

Carry your wolght forward.

That la how tho alojpm orl*lnatod of NXoop u? on your tooa*"

Thoro ii a musola that flta alon-oldo of tho ihin bono whlch wo oall tho ahin atuaola*

Ko doubt whon you haro boon taklnf a lon£ walk you fblt lt* Partlcularly la thia truo whon you walk Tory ftoat*

TJlion aolectlnr. footwoar aeo that you droaa for oowfort rathor than for atyloi you <rlll Kr to ftowor eonu, oallouaoo and bunlona lf you do*

I an a Tory hoary :ian, and ain^ular aa lt la, I haro Tory imali foot, but ny foot ar* froo of auty defbrr.lty ln tho ahapo of tarlatod tooa, como, callouaca, bun-tona or bilion arehea. All of whioh I attributo to ta kin/; o aro of wy foot with tho rlrht fora of oxcrolao.

no 11 naw, »y friond, wo will -ot startod on then*

You aay not llko tho woroaonta, fow do, boeauao thoy figuro lt la a waato of


A lit tle arr.ctloo will ahow you that lt la Juat tho nrroroo, and you will not qult tho oxoroiaoa for anythinr*

A peraon who la ln tho loaat affootod with woak aakles or wlth fkllen arohoa, ahould bo nade lntoreated ln thoao noromnta*

Youra <*or a anappy atop.


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