13, 14, 15, and 16. 9, 10, 11. and 12. and 20.
prnotlco, ln tho neralng, 5xorclaoa 5, 0, 7, 8, Continua, in tho ovenir.r;, raorolooo 1. 2, i, -i, .'.dd, to eYonlag aahodule, Ttcorolsos 17, 16, 15,
i.6. Just a quio'x noto. An ald pupil juit droppod ln to see aa and I thought you would lłlco to kaew «hat ho tald no. Bo sald, ”You ksw, Itr. Jowott, I think tho flrst 6 or 7 wooka aro tho tou^host for a fol Iow, but aftor that, how ono ■•otm to -iurst r&ght out. \verythlng dor.o ln tho past fow woota soess to blooaajn rlght out f*ast. 1*11 noYor fbrgot that thrill. ^hrory loscon had a n*w thrlll for ao and whon T got Into tbe advanood program wlth tho Morun Hor Boli, I could soo bottor thaa cwor tho wondorfil roanon for all you taught no. It taught rm oamothing olio, noYor to got dlsoouragoć, for succoas ccoca to all thooo who will do a o you to 11 tho«, bottor than fror. an” othor -othod. I taow - T tri od thon an."
t thought you»ć lita .o tao* this aa froa ono jupil to rui o tho r. 3o long.