MR293R190&7 1

MR293R190&7 1

BONDING THE WINDOWS (aee aection entitled " WINDOWS -Windscreen and rear aoreen").

Bonding kit part no- 77 01 202 273.

Kit oonsi3ts of:

1    Cartridge GURIT BETASEAL 71 904 HV3 mastic

2    Nozzle with triangular cut-out 3ection

3    Bottle of glass primer GURIT 84 132 11

4    Bottle of metal primer GURIT 435-46

5    Bottle of degreaaing agent GURIT VP 04 604

6    Speclal degreaaing cloth

7    Primer pada

8    Piano wire (for cuttlng).

IMPORTAHT: For all operations involving the removal of the windaoreen or rear screen it ia advisable to have a aeoond cartridge of mastic available as the quantity of ma3tio required for the bead is 3ubatantial.

Mastic cartridge only part no. 77 01 202 234.


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