A. CRAIG, of Felllng-on-Tyno. win* an Apollon Silvcr Cup for gaining 3-stone of muscle,
"Your wonderful course ha* de-veloj>ed my muscle* and strength miraculously. Sir, health and happines* arc now minę with all the strength you gave me. I fccl it my iluty to let i>eople know in my homc town what you can do for a fellow. I huve already en-rollcd my pal."
J. H. TATĘ (wetght 14 Stones) writea :—
Dcar A|xilloti. J want t'> tliank and congratulate you on being the invcntor of the most wnnderful course in the world. Huring tlic last twdve irionth* training on your course 1 hav-c literally treblcd my *trcnKth. The bcauty of your course i< tltat it always -eems ncw, it ncvcr seems to get iiimioionous. wlttclt is. I thinfc, one of the sccrcts of its success.
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