ttv ihtii tlme (hc majority ofembryonic’ dcmh.*will lwvc Mken place or will be In progresu ((Iinhiik l(JH5, WbOffll cl iii, 1985). The succcssltil inductlon of an-other estru*. Is siill pmsible mul valtiable tmie will nol be jsted. Since embryonie deutbs can ulso occur after Day 30 of gestntion another cxaniination I* recom-memleil between Days 50 and 60 sn that nil embryonk; Iłłsscs can be dctected,
In tbc contcxt of early pregnancy diagnoses, a train-ing method tor the dciccllon of early pregnancic* by ulirusonogntphy should bc mentioned. In the absencc of a suilnble training marę, a water filled rubber balloon can bc introduced into (hc uterus to simulate an early pregnancy (Fig. 1.60). A ballooned eatheler (e.g. Folcy catheter) which is introduced through the cervix into the uterus (» suitabie for lh*» purpose, Onee the tip of the cathctcr i* positioncd intide a uterine hom the m-sufflation channel is uscd to 611 the euff with Ikjuid making surę not to indude any air tn the 6utd, In this rnunner the injcction of 5 or 15 ml water into the euff will result in a bnlloon diameter of 20 or 30 mm. Ihcae diameters would bc cquivalent to the size* of an em-btyonic vc*iclc on Days 15 or Day* 25 to 30. For tram-tng purposes a balloon introduced in this manna can now be sought using ultrasonography and then depicted on the monitor. Several features of the image of such a balloon are similar to those of an early conceptus. After the training cxamination the balloon can be emptied and rcmoved without problem*.