Page7 (2)

Page7 (2)

C de    : Vol. Q

C de    : Vol. Q


i>tp u b<y

ex. l I*    L C t?) - east entrance

ex.    (Ł^-t ł 1)- Tokyo

t I







Teacher: liV\ fcO J; *j (i...

OK, everyone. The sun...

Students (in unison):    h <0(jf 0 ;£ S !

Rises from the east!

Teacher: li V1 !

That's correct!


First boy: (speech less)

Second boy: i> o,

First boy: M O" l£fj' 0 $> lf X

ex, [*tj[ |*    ę tj) _ West entrance

ex l^if‘1":'    1^-9) - Western countries


^itLTS ? !

Yikes! Why are you sunburned on just one side of your body?!

I sat facing the west all day.

Second boy: 4‘ 5 (i t"0 That explains it.



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