BABIES: Sabies will enjoy listening to the different sounds of the animals whilst being gently bounced in time to the musie. You could use toy animals or pictures of animals and show them for each verse. Have these lined up in front of you ready to pick up and move around while you make the animal sounds. The baby can be placed in a chair or baby bouncer or on the floor while you do this. The baby will learn to associate the sound with the animal.
TODOLERS & INFANTS: Think of other animals and the sounds they make, then make up names for them and sing another verse. You can make up as many verses as you wish. If toy animals are available, these could be held up and moved around while singing the song. Show pictures of the animals too as a further visual aid. If in a group, try incorporating appropriate percussion instruments to correspond with the different animal sounds. For example, a wood błock for a ‘oroak’ or a sandblock for the ‘sss’ of the snake.