Beowutf fkghts with and kills Grendel in Heorot
Grendel’s mother comes to take reyenge over the death of her son. Beowulf fnllnws taei tn her nnderwater latr and after a desperate sfrnggte stoys her tac Bbpwulf comes back home with honors and presents_fr.QrnJhe_ Dannish kina. I PART.
'years lałer Beowulf is the king of the Geats A dragon, guarding a hoacd-oUfea&ure, has been hringing slaughtecJhfrwgh the land. _
Beowulf sjayś the dragon but is also mortally wounded
The poem ends with ii account of Beowulfs funeral- his hndy i^bmwd aldna with ill l^matiłatiorts of hteLwamors