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By    yc*j *y*« to t>«* CrJt AUP md TOS

By rr.stiryj »ny coriar* av»lab)»trvough Modafire. yyj rec*«i«rl and «varrantthat you owiali rigMt rvec«ssarytopfcę>erly<dc> so

MediaFire is the simplest free file hosting service for businesses. professionals. and individuals to share flles and images with others


Share files and images with all of your friends and upload them only once

Link to files from your MySpace page. your blog. or forums

Upload an unlimited number of files to share with friends and family or storage

Use folders to easily share groups of files or create galleries for all your images

No registration necessary and no software to install

Keep frequently used files online for easy access from any Computer with an internet connection

Top 100 Undiscovered Web Sites "Atter the easy file-upload process. you can access your data from any Computer and post links to the files Tor sharlng with family (and coworkers it you're uslng the site for work-related purposes)."

How to storo your files online "At first the MediaFire storage seryice seems too good to be true: unlimited storage space tor free! Yet the company continues to power ahead..."

““"You have lots of options. and morę new servlces pop up every day. is my tavorite. and it's one ot the best on the market now."

Ifs almost perfcct!"


"The service is really woli madę. especially the upload progress page. which gives you a nice view ot your upload progress. speed. and estimated time to completc the upload."

Learn Morę


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