TN« wnitMity ot many iatnes ia offeai by (Na Hmtod numtor o? toołing poslttons tfi«y offer MuMlmcbon toofr can ramedy Ml łftortcomirtg. Thay aitow two or mora machintag oparabons to ba Consolidated Mo a single tooi poartion Mułtifunction Ua also decraase cyda timaa. fower inventories and increase logrammtng flexibiirty.
A oommon mułtifunction tool ta ona liat grooves and tuma. Grooving-and-urrang łnserts are capable of grooying, ftumtng, and profiKng arcs and angies. jFThara ara few iimits on the part geometnes that can ba machtned with 9m typa of insert. And. it proviaes benafits for joto ranging from singie-part prototypmg to long production runa.
Figurę 1:
A groove-and-tum insert must be run at a sufficient DOC to deflect the cutting edge slightiy, in order to create a ciearance angie behind the cutting comer.
Multiple Choice
With a shouider-styie insert, the outer comer of the cutting edge ites outside the iine of action of the toołhotder. This aiiows the part diameter on the outer comer of the cutting edge to be much iarger (right-hand side of itlustration). Practicaiły speaking, the onty Mt on the OD is the distance the tooiholder ext