cl biHiking .i fliglii
b| buying somc Iruit
di ordering (urniture
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Speaker I Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4
a) renting a TV
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Wsil our websrte on:
Telephone order linę: 0870 850 1155
8 AM to U m - SEVŁN OAtt A WtEK
Facsimile order linę: 0870 850 1122
To enąuire about an order, please use our customer enquiry linę: 0870 850 1210
9 AM TO 5 30PM Monday to Fnday
(Hus lim? is wry busy on Monday roomimjs.)
Notę: Heavy or very largo items (e.g. furniture) have an oxtra delivery charge of £14.85 per delh/ery.
To order by post
Compleie the customer order form in BŁOCK CAPIIAIS and seod it wtlh a crossed cheque lor the luli amount to:
Scotsdales Ltd 1 Barty Street Birmingham Bil 2QT
To order by phone
Cali 0870 850 1155, giving the relerence
number nexl to yout address on the form.
You can pay by credit or debit card Please have your details ready
Thank you for your order!
Przeczytaj zdania ll 8) i zaznacz l/l, czy sq one prawdziwe, fałszywe, czy też dana informacja nic pojawia się w tekście.
True False Doesn t say
1 The customer enquiry linę is not open on Monday mornings.
2 II you order by phone you need a relerence number.
3 The phone łines are open 24 hours a day.
•1 You can also order items Online.
5 It costs an e\tra to dclivc*r some items
6 Ali items will be delivered within l l days.
7 If timi Ardor phnno t>nn no»4 i 4ohi» r\r rnullt
8 There is an additional charge lot dclivcring lurnittire
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