JOHN ABRAHAMSON My uwn Mg cbett mutclrt in* tpired thit enrhuiiattic pupil !•> arquire a timllar devrlopment. At )tiu can %et—he lia» tuc* rcrded in o big way. Noc only i» hit powerful cbrti glorioutly projiortioncd, bul hit entire body it ilrvf lopfd to an- amazing de-gree. Throw your chett outf Incrcatc your lung capacity! Bc energrtic, vital, powerful by breathing in great gulpt of liii: amt vitaliiy—giring oaygenl Then pack great big mutclet on top of your chett. I’H thow you howl Cotne on me'boy—get buty I It'* eaty f
F.RNEST J. SEVA He w filet:
*7/oi/ t» you, Charta Atlas!
Kiny •/ Strony Mrę!"
You may teproducc ihi* photo if you want. I aro PROUDLY your* for Slrength.
E*nut J. Sbva. Yoo can tee he ha* the POWER and PERSONAL1TY łhat will turely win SUOCESS for him. Nołe hit elear tparkling eyet, that tign of inner hralth. and don’t overlook hit huge arro* and forrarrot. YOU can get thrro, too, if tou tend in your cnrollraent TODAY.
Life it to much richrr, to much grander if you only enjoy the radiant Health of the trur athlete. Thrre ii a buoyancy in your »tep, you fwl vigotout. alert and unafraid! Thi# thril ling cttndition can bc yourt alt the time. Clcar the oobwebs froro your body and know the meariing of REAL Health.