Thermography m human medicine
Thermography or thermovision jn medfcme is based on the naturai fiermai radiation ofthe skin. Most adwantage is the radiance free ofttie measuring principie.
Certa)n body regions have drfferent temperaturę leveis. tf one exposes the body e.g. to a cooling attracbon. then the body zones of the skin react, in order to repairthe heat balance ofttie body. Thereby the thermał regulafion of diseased body regions and organs is drfferent to heatffiy one. The so-cailed "Regulation Thermography is based on this principle.
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Wykład 8 — 'Fizyka Budowkf. Wydział Budownictwa Lądowego i Wodnego Pofitechnio Wrodawskią, rok akademicki 20030010.
Prowadzący: drhab. inŁ Henryk Nowak, prof. PWr.