Inspect the transmission oil level, coolant level and air cleaner condition before starting the engine.
When the engine is cold:
1) Tum the fuel valve lever to the “ON” position.
2) Shift the transmission into neutral.
3) Puli the starter knob ©.
4) Close the throttle grip completely and depress the kick starter lever forcefully.
5) Return the starter knob when the engine revs at steady speed.
When the engine is warm:
1) Turn the fuel valve lever to the “ON” position.
2) Shift the transmission into neutral.
3) Open the throttle 1/8 - 1/4 turn and depress the kick starter lever forcefully.
To restart atterthe motorcycle has fallen:
1) Shift the transmission into neutral. /.. '
2) Open the throttle completely and depress the kick stattór
lever forcefully. \V \ \
•, \\ \ \ \
3) Close the throttle gradually as engine speed ihęreąs'es\ V;
4) Wait until engine revs smoothly.
1) Shift the transmission into neutral.
2) Turn the fuel valve lever to the “OFF” position.
3) Push the engine stop switch © to stop the engine.
Leaving the fuel valve in the “ON” position may cause carburetor overflow. This can cause a tire or severe engine damage when you start the engine.
Racing the engine in neutral will ęxceed the engine speed limit. Exceeding the engine speed limit can damage the engine moving parts.
Do not race the engine at high speed to avoid the engine damage.