the arms slowly again while exhaling deeply. Repeat several timcs. Later you may rise up on the toes during each inhalation, and again lower the heels during the exhalations. For further information, see under " Carriage, bad." Of the neck exercises, the upward and backward movement of No i is the most effective.
Tennis Arm. Rest the bad arm as much as possible, but perform care-fully the exercises for improving the generał circuiation (sce the foregoing chapter), not forgetting the deep knee-bendings. In the rubbing exercises the stroking and massage should be done with the sound arm only And No. 8 can be done as recommended to one-armed people. But the exercises where the bad arm is moved without being bent, could be done in fuli (Exercises Nos. 4, 5 and 7). If the right arm is affected, learn to play with the left, or go in for some boxing.
Thinness. See the chapter “ For Fat and Thin People."
Throat, sore.
Tuberculosis, in the lungs. If the disease is not further advanced than the First Stage. it can be cured by following the advice given in " My Breathing System.”
Ukic Acios. See the foregoing chapter.
Will-powek. lack of.
Varicose Yeins, beginning. The majority of cases are caused by elastic garters. The ordinary ' suspenders ” used by men to keep their socks nice and tight are so especially harmful that most of thosc wlio have worn them for a few months only, will already shew signs of swelling, owing to the steady pressure upon the main vein. The mail who invented this diabolic appliance has deprived millions of legs of their fitness and usefulness. The circuiation of the feet will, of course, suffer too, and any wound below the garter will take a long time in liealing. I have got hundreds of pupils to dispose of them, or at all events to use them only when walking in the streets, but never when sitting in the Office or at home, or when exercising. I always recommend boys with long woollen stockings to slip the garters down round the ankles when they are not running about.
Yery bad and painful cases should be operated upon. Elastic stockings and broad bandages protect and support the legs, but will not cure. Only mild cases can be cured. The best exercise is No. 15 with powerful massage upwards. Movement is always good if not overdone, but standing still with the body's weight upon the legs should be avoided. When sitting, the feet should, if possible be placed high up, after the American fashion.
Yaricocele, beginning.
Water in the Legs. See foregoing chapter.
Windsucking. Study "My Breathing System."
VVriter's Cramc.